Burmese Mermaid

Burmese Mermaid
Burmese Pearl by Gerald Kelly

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Animus in the Magic Realm


The Burmese mermaid sometimes dreams of a male figure in various guises. Always, there is a luminous, mysterious, and fascinating quality about them. Carl Jung called this psychological male counterpart in women the Animus. In men, the female counterpart is the Anima. According to Jungians, it can be helpful to pay attention when the Animus/Anima appears in dreams. 


In last night's dream, the Animus appeared as a reserved, wise young man, an attendant or doctor at an institute where I was recovering my health. In his care I felt well, having gained strength from extended rest in peaceful surroundings inside the institute. 

The town that surrounded the institute was another matter, a magical realm full of odd happenings. I learned from the young man that the great magician Houdini masterminded all of the events and behaviors within the town. We looked knowingly at each other and, with a tone of amusement, I let him know that I understood: it was just apparent magic, a trick to amuse, nothing more. The world was still guided by physical laws.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Remembering to Remember


I sometimes forget
that I was created for Joy.

My mind is too busy.

My Heart is too heavy
for me to remember
that I have been
called to dance
the Sacred dance of life.

I was created to smile
To Love
To be lifted up
And to lift others up.

O' Sacred One
Untangle my feet
from all that ensnares.

Free my soul.

That we might
and that our dancing
might be contagious.
